Sunday, November 12, 2017

The input and raw_input Function in python at codelent

The input() and raw_input() Function
The input() function waits for the user to type some numbers or a number on the keyboard and press ENTER.
myName = input()
This function call evaluates to a number equal to the user’s input, and the previous line of code assigns the myName variable to this number value.
You can think of the input() function call as an expression that evaluates to whatever string the user typed in. If the user entered 4, then the expression would evaluate to myName = 4. The following call to print() actually contains the expression 'It is good to meet you, ' + myName between the parentheses.
print('It is good to meet you, ' + myName)
Remember that expressions can always evaluate to a single value. If 4 is the value stored in myName on the previous line, then this expression evaluates to 'It is good to meet you,4'. This single number value is then passed to print(), which prints it on the screen.
Same as the raw_input () function but in this function the it evaluate both numbers and text that is typed by the user. It does the same thing that the input functions does but the different is that it input() function accept only numbers or integer and float WHILE raw_input() function accept both numbers and string or text.
Now I feel it is time for a really complicated program. Here it is:

print "Halt!"
user_reply = raw_input("Who goes there? ")
print "You may pass,", user_reply

When I ran it, here is what my screen showed:
Who goes there? Josh
You may pass, Josh
More examples
a = 123.4
b3 = ‚Spam‚
first_name = "Bill"
b = 432
c = a + b
print "a + b is",c
print "first_name is",first_name
print "Sorted Parts, After Midnight or",b3
# This program calculates rate and distance problems
print "Input a rate and a distance"
rate = input("Rate: ")
distance = input("Distance: ")
print "Time:", (distance / rate)
# This program calculates the perimeter and area of a rectangle
print "Calculate information about a rectangle"
length = input("Length: ")
width = input("Width: ")
print "Area", length * width
print "Perimeter", 2 * length + 2 * width
string1 = raw_input(“String 1: “)
string2 = raw_input(“String 2: “)
int1 = input(“Integer 1: “)
int2 = input(“Integer 2: “)
print string1 + string2
print int1 * int2
print "this is an exercise"
n1 = input("please input the first number: ")
n2 = input("Please input the second number: ")
print ‘this is number’,n1
print”this is number”,n2
stg1 = raw_input("Please input a  word: ")
stg2 = raw_input("please input a word: ")
print stg1,stg2
print stg1
print stg2
Now test this examples on your android device and on your pc.

Happy coding season with andriod…….