Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Adding paragraph, headings, hidden comment and empty element in html

 <p>...</p> A paragraph element
Paragraphs are the most rudimentary elements of a text document. You indicate a paragraph with the p element by inserting an opening <p> tag at the beginning of the paragraph and a closing </p> tag after it, as shown inthis example.
<p>Serif typefaces have small slabs at the ends of letter strokes. In general, serif fonts can make large amounts of text easier to read.</p>
<p>Sans-serif fonts do not have serif slabs; their strokes are square on the end. Helvetica and Arial are examples of sans-serif fonts. In general, sans-serif fonts appear sleeker and more modern.</p>
Visual browsers nearly always display paragraphs on new lines with a bit of space between them by default (to use a term from CSS, they are displayed as a block). Paragraphs may contain text, images, and other inline elements (called phrasing content in the spec), but they may not contain headings, lists, sectioning elements, or any element that typically displays as a block by default.
In HTML, it is OK to omit the closing </p> tag. A browser just assumes it is closed when it encounters the next block element. However, in the stricter XHTML syntax, the closing tag is required (no surprise there). Many web developers, including myself, prefer to close paragraphs and all elements, even in HTML, for the sake of consistency and clarity. I recommend folks who are just learning markup, like yourself, do the same.
You must assign an element to all the text in a document. In other words, all text must be enclosed in some sort of element. Text that is not contained within tags is called “naked” or “anonymous” text, and it will cause a document to be invalid.
Heading elements
In the last chapter, we used the h1 and h2 elements to indicate headings for the Black Goose Bistro page. There are actually six levels of headings, from h1 to h6. When you add headings to content, the browser uses them to create
a document outline for the page. Assistive reading devices such as screen readers use the document outline to help users quickly scan and navigate through a page. In addition, search engines look at heading levels as part of their algorithms (information in higher heading levels may be given more weight). For these reasons, it is a best practice to start with the Level 1 heading (h1) and work down in numerical order (see note), creating a logical document structure and outline. This example shows the markup for four heading levels. Additional heading levels would be marked up in a similar manner.
<h1>Type Design</h1>
<h2>Serif Typefaces</h2>
<p>Serif typefaces have small slabs at the ends of letter strokes.
In general, serif fonts can make large amounts of text easier to
<p>Description of the Baskerville typeface.</p>
<p>The history of the Baskerville typeface.</p>
<p>Description and history of the Georgia typeface.</p>
<h2>Sans-serif Typefaces</h2>
<p>Sans-serif typefaces do not have slabs at the ends of strokes.</p>
The markup in this example would create the following document outline:
1.      Type Design

1. Serif Typefaces
+ text paragraph

1. Baskerville

1. Description
+ text paragraph

2. History
+ text paragraph

2. Georgia
+ text paragraph

2. Sans-Serif Typefaces
+ text paragraph

By default, the headings in our example will be displayed in bold text, starting in very large type for h1s, with each consecutive level in smaller text.

Adding Hidden Comments

You can leave notes in the source document for yourself and others by marking them up as comments.
Anything you put between comment tags (<!-- -->) will not display in the browser and will not have any effect on the rest of the source.
<!-- This is a comment -->

<!-- This is a
multiple-line comment
that ends here. -->

Comments are useful for labeling and organizing long documents, particularly when they are shared by a team of developers. In this example, comments are used to point out the section of the source that contains the navigation..
<!-- This is a paragraph that George wrote -->
<p>Description and history of the Georgia typeface.</p>
Note: Bear in mind that although the browser will not display comments in the web page, readers can see
them if they “view source,” so be sure that the comments you leave are appropriate for everyone. It’s probably a good idea just to strip out notes to your fellow developers before the site is published. It cuts some bytes off the file size as well.

Empty elements
A handful of elements, however, do not have text content because they are used to provide a simple directive. These elements are said to be empty. The image element (<img>) is an example of such an element; it tells the browser to get an image file from the server and insert it at that spot in the flow of the text. Other empty elements include the line break (<br>), thematic breaks (<hr>), and elements that provide information about a document but don’t affect its displayed content, such as the meta element that we used earlier.
<p>1005 Gravenstein Highway North<br>Sebastopol, CA 95472</p>

<p>Description<hr> and history of the Georgia typeface.

<h1><img src="filename.png" alt="File title"></h1>

Now test this code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset ="utf-8">
<title>Black Goose Bistro</title>
<!-- This document was written by George  -->
<h1>Black Goose Bistro</h1>
<h2>The Restaurant</h2>
<p>The Black Goose Bistro offers casual lunch and dinner fare in
a hip atmosphere. The menu changes regularly to highlight the
freshest ingredients.</p>
<h1>Catering Services</h1>
<p>You have fun... <hr>we'll do the cooking.<br> Black Goose catering can
handle events from snacks for bridge club to elegant corporate
<h1><img src="imagefile.jpg" alt="file name">image name</h1>
<p>Description<hr> and history of the Georgia typeface.

<h2>Location and Hours</h2>
<h5>Seekonk, Massachusetts;
Monday through <br>Thursday 11am to 9pm, Friday and Saturday, 11am to

Happy coding seasoning at codelent…..
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