Saturday, May 5, 2018

Email Security and Email Providers

E-mail Hacking
Email hacking can be done in any of the following ways:




E-mail spamming is an act of sending Unsolicited Bulk E-mails (UBI) which one has not asked for. Email spams are the junk mails sent by commercial companies as an advertisement of their products and services.

Some emails may incorporate with files containing malicious script which when run on your computer may lead to destroy your important data.

Email phishing is an activity of sending emails to a user claiming to be a legitimate enterprise. Its main purpose is to steal sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details.
Such emails contains link to websites that are infected with malware and direct the user to enter details at a fake website whose look and feels are same to legitimate one.

E-mail Spamming and Junk Mails
Email spamming is an act of sending Unsolicited Bulk E-mails (UBI) which one has not asked for. Email spams are the junk mails sent by commercial companies as an advertisement of their products and services.

Spams may cause the following problems:

It floods your e-mail account with unwanted e-mails, which may result in loss of important e-mails if inbox is full.

Time and energy is wasted in reviewing and deleting junk emails or spams.

It consumes the bandwidth that slows the speed with which mails are delivered.

Some unsolicited email may contain virus that can cause harm to your computer.

Blocking Spams
Following ways will help you to reduce spams:

While posting letters to newsgroups or mailing list, use a separate e-mail address than the one you used for your personal e-mails.

Don’t give your email address on the websites as it can easily be spammed.

Avoid replying to emails which you have received from unknown persons.

Never buy anything in response to a spam that advertises a product.

E-mail Cleanup and Archiving
In order to have light weighted Inbox, it’s good to archive your inbox from time to time. Here I will discuss the steps to clean up and archive your Outlook inbox.

Select File tab on the mail pane.

Select Cleanup Tools button on account information screen.

Select Archive from cleanup tools drop down menu.

Select Archive this folder and all sub folders option and then click on the folder that you want to archive. Select the date from the Archive items older than: list. Click Browse to create new .pst file name and location. Click OK.

E-mail Providers

There are several email service providers available in the market with their enabled features such as sending, receiving, drafting, storing an email and much more.

The following table shows the popular email service providers:

Gmail is an email service that allows users to collect all the messages. It also offers approx 7 GB of free storage.

Hotmail offers free email and practically unlimited storage accessible on web.

Yahoo Mail
Yahoo Mail offers unlimited storage, SMS texting, social networking and instant messaging to boot.

iCloud Mail
iCloud Mail offers ample storage, IMAP access, and an elegantly functional web application.

ATM Mail
ATM Mail is a free email service with good spam protection. and GMX Mail and GMX Mail offers reliable mail service with unlimited online storage.

Shortmail offers easy and fast email service but with limited 500 characters per message. offers 5 GB of free online storage. IMAP is not supported by

Facebook Messages
Facebook Messages includes the message conversation.

My Way Mail
My Way Mail offers clean and fast free email service but lacks in secure messaging.


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