Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Web Ecommerce Hosting

Ecommerce is a way of doing business through Internet. You are doing ecommerce, especially when you are selling your products or services through Internet. If you planning to put a website which will have transactions such as buying or selling items or services, then it means you are going to setup an ecommerce website. If this is the case, then I don't think this guide will help you up to a level where should be able to setup an ecommerce site because there are many more things which should be considered while setting up an ecommerce website.

Still you can start from here − E-commerce hosting is a bit expensive, but they are not as expensive that you cannot start an ecommerce website. Nowadays, it is very easy to set up an ecommerce site. All that one needs to do is to get in touch with any good service provider and start gathering basic information.

There are many service providers who help you set up your virtual store and charge you unexpectedly very low. Google has also started google account service in which you can sell your products.While finalizing your ecommerce hosting setup, you should be very clear on how to handle the following −

Customer Registrations
Customer Transactions
Product Catalogs
Customer Orders
Order Security
Server Security
Server Maintenance
Server Backup
Server downtime
Inventory Control
Shipment Methods
Payment Methods
Foreign currency
Credit Cards
Taxes issues
You should take this list and discuss it with your service provider as well to understand how they will support you to handle all these items.


  1. Hello.....
    I really appreciate your tutorial....
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    So we can be able to talk better....

  2. my number is 09030227774.
    am George Ebili by name.
